Open Library Events

Join the Open Library in our virtual events supporting the use, adaptation, adoption, and creation of open educational resources (OER). We also have reference sessions with the Open Library team to help you learn about OER. These sessions are an opportunity to get direct support for all your questions.

Our webinars will be recorded and the recordings will be available within 7 business days.

Open Library Workshops

SummOER Camp: Opening Pedagogy with AI

Join us as we explore platforms and processes that can help you leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your pedagogy! Allow the Open Library team to spark your inspiration in our tech-focused summer series as you prepare to adopt, adapt, and create OER for the semesters ahead.

Tune in: Music for education and copyright

June 25, 2024

12:00PM EST

Our first session of SummOER Camp Series will explore questions of music generation and copyright. This session will feature two platforms (Suno and Colab) focused on generating music to engage learners. While these tools put you in the driver’s seat when it comes to generating songs and vocal tracks that can aid in learner retention and comprehension, you will also be guided into consideration of intellectual property and copyright.

By the end of this 60-minute workshop, you’ll learn how to thoughtfully implement this style of platform and educational material into your teaching, evaluate their potential impacts on learner retention, and begin creating songs of your own, all with an eye towards copyright considerations.

Watch here

History and Hallucinations: Error rates and mitigation in AI

July 16, 2024

12:00PM EST

Our second session of the SummOER Camp Series will look at error rates and generative AI – the Open Library team will look at artificial intelligence that cites its work (Perplexity) and a history chatbot that enables learners to simulate a conversation with a historical figure (Hello History). Given AI’s potential for hallucinations, we will explore the use of citations as a way to identify and mitigate risks of misinformation.

By the end of this 60-minute workshop, you will have tools to evaluate AI hallucinations, you will be able to analyze the risks of misinformation, and create opportunities for your students to interact with and cite resources.

Register here

Personalized Learning with AI: Student data and interaction

August 22, 2024

12:00PM EST

In our third and final session of our SummOER Camp Series, we will be exploring personal tutoring AI platforms and questions around student data and guard rails. From Contact North’s AI Tutor Pro, a free personal learning companion, to other platforms like TutorAI, we will explore questions of student safety and the ways to guide learners in their interactions with content and tutors.

By the end of this 60-minute workshop, you will be able to evaluate platforms for their risks and discuss opportunities with your learners, and implement guard rails and checks in their interactions with these tools.

Register here

Ask an Open Librarian

Drop in for any questions you may have for our open office hours on the second Friday of every month at 12PM EST.

June 14, 2024 at 12PM EST

July 12, 2024 at 12PM EST

August 9, 2024 at 12PM EST

Join here

Explore the Open Library’s Past Events

Recordings of past events

Find recordings of all our past events on our YouTube page.

Watch Here

Questions? Connect with us here.