Make the Open Library features part of your site!
Use the Open Library embed widgets to highlight specific resources and increase engagement for your teaching and learning needs. Embedding allows you to integrate the Open Library Search Bar, Search Results, Item Details page, and OER Cost Savings Calculator into web pages where the iframe tag is supported.
Embed The Open Library Search Results and Search Bar
- Click the Embed button on the Search Results page to open the embed panel.

- Select the widget you would like to embed to generate the HTML code.
- Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the HTML code from the box.

- Paste the code into your website HTML.
Embed a Specific Resource
- On the Item Details page, click the Embed This button to open the embed panel.

- Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the HTML code from the box.
- Paste the code into your website HTML.
Embed the OER Savings Calculator
- On the Impact page, click the Embed button to open the code box.
- Copy the HTML code from the box.

- Paste the code into your website HTML.