Review An Open Educational Resource

eCampusOntario seeks qualified subject matter experts to review OER in our collection. Should the OER meet the educator’s needs, eCampusOntario also asks them to consider adopting the OER as a course resource.

eCampusOntario will publish the reviews in the Open Library. They will be publicly available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Derivative (CC-BY-ND) 4.0 license.

Review and Selection Process

  • Educators who would like to review a resource should be teaching in the subject area.
  • Reviewer must be involved with course design, development, or delivery in the subject area.
  • Educators must agree to publish their reviews under an open license CC-BY-ND 4.0.

Application Process

  1. Browse the library to find an OER aligned to your subject matter expertise.
  2. Consider the recommended criteria for the review.
  3. Submit an application to review your selected OER.

If you have any further questions, please email

Review an OER
Is this resource part of the VLS Collection?